Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Minor Updates and Lugia Speed Reborn! AKA Gatorade.dec

Hello there Bicyclists! How has everyone been? I really need to start updating this alot more but alas, school doesn't let up. I'll try and get a more consistent schedule going, and probably start touching upon some other topics of the TCG that I'd love to get into, including the collecting aspect! I'm also thinking of starting up a Youtube channel finally but I'll have to get out and invest in a camera and such. Luckily, my tax return came in, so I can't wait to start recording deck lists, test battles etc. I'm also getting more involved with the VGC again, as I was initially a VGC player (though I never got that far in it). Perhaps that could be something to look forward to as the year progresses and as World's draws near.

After poking though all my aforementioned thoughts and predictions of the meta, I feel like there are points that I made that were face palm worthy. Even though I still despise VirGen as a deck, it's still holding out well in events. I've seen others garner success with Darkrai/Hydrigon but that deck still won't listen to me. I still refuse to let up on Flareon every now and then, which is probably unhealthy (though I'm getting into building more "meta" decks like Blastoise). I still throw in weird cards in meta builds which don't do well for me, but then someone somewhere ends up piloting the choices in the right day and time to a stellar finish. But its from stumbling and falling flat on your face that you learn to get up, to see what works and what doesn't and to grow as a player. Granted, I felt like my best times of growth were when I re-entered the game back in 2012 and threw myself in higher level tournaments after doing some research and playtesting. The best times were when I could playtest against high-leveled players, but I'd kind of lost that now since a few have quit and I don't have the courage to get myself re-entered into the playtesting circles I know will help me grow. But there's still plenty of time between now and World's to come out of left field and grind in, so I'm not giving up!

Today we're going to take a look at a deck idea that I've been spinning around that still needs some tweaking to be good, but in a format where speed and numbers are key, Lugia stands out as the fastest Prize winner in the format. Ending a game in two hits on EX's does wonders on the clock. A good majority of decks nowadays run EX's as main attackers and with the advent of XY, we got more stuff to aid Lugia speed. Without further ado, let's look at Gatorade.dec!