*takes a deep breath*
I LOVE the new upcoming format!! The new rule changes are going to be effective in Japan starting November 8th.
For those of you that haven't heard the rulings, I'll go over them here, including my thoughts!
1) The player who goes first, can not attack.
This is what our meta needed right now. The moment NXD hit, people were subjected to X-Ball for game, bigger basics and harder hitting attacks. The meta was increasingly dumbed down as more EXs came out such as Darkrai, Keldeo, and Landrous. This gives new leases on life to a lot of stage 1 and 2 decks that suffered from their basics getting donked first turn. This opens the field to decks that just couldn't quite make the cut in a faster-paced winner of coin flip tajes all environment.
Some of the cards that may soon become viable again include but are not limited to-
Zoroark (Brutal Bash)
Watchog PLF
And tons of other candidates I haven't touched upon. Some of our current decks have gotten a boost as well such as Blastoise and Virizion/Genesect.
A deck we're about to see a huge resurgence in is defiantly Blastiose/Keldeo. The first turn ruling allows for the Blastoise player, in either case, to set up with impunity. And depending on which variant your running, you can easily threaten a Black Ballista right away or huge aggro Mewtwo/Keldeo. Will it become BDIF? I still would say no-Plasma still can give the deck a run for its money even if it gets stuck going first and will be able to adapt to the ruling change.
Alongside going first, this card made no bench sitters safe and made the game more luck based than it already was. You could have the optimal board set-up but get screwed by a top-decked Catcher. The amount of skill level needed was drastically reduced-being the only thing that set aside ok players from the great ones was when to use Cacher and how to properly manage it.
Not too long ago people were complaining about how stale the meta was when Catcher was played as a 4 of in every deck, so I find it beyond humorous when those same people now complain that the "only way to control the board and regulate your opponent was through Catcher and now it's all luck base now".
I think people are jumping to conclusions too early since we have yet to see what new shenanigans come out in X/Y-for all we know they could reprint a Cather like card with very limited draw-back or as an ability (that's not Plasma dependent *glares at Genesect*) this now makes other forms of opponent "force switch" viable again-everyone seemed to have forgotten Escape Rope for a bit in all the hustle and bustle of Float Stone and Genesect/Virizion having access to a "rediscovered" Stadium called Skyarrow Bridge.
Between rules 1 and 2, I think the metas about to take a turn for the better and this is what we need going into the new X/Y format. Now the 3rd ruling is a bit strange being that it involves a card being released but I think it's getting drastically overlooked.
3) Professor Sycamore (the new professor for x/y) has the same errata as Professor Juniper. You are only allowed to run 4 copies of either card, because the effect is the same.
Now this sounds really stupid and lame at first-why issue a ruling for a card that's not out and, while we're at it, make a new card with the same effect when we could have had something different? We could go on about the unsavory nature of making a Juniper reprint in a new set or how it's not a relevant ruling at the moment or how it's "forcing us to use one or the other."
This defiantly hints at a rotation, which is kind of sort of obvious. But what isn't obvious to the casual observer is the fact that since they are doing a "Juniper reprint" now is a good time to start unloading FA Junipers!
What a strange concept, I know. I could be jumping the gun early on this, but I do predict a slight price drop especially as the X/Y starter decks/Blisters come out. For all we know, Sycamore could be in those decks and who knows, we could end up with FA Sycamores later on! During Fall Regionals, it probably wouldn't be half a bad idea especially since in the Red Genesect Collection, you get reverse holo Junipers. But I digress.
Anyways, those are my brief thoughts on the upcoming rule changes. I've looking forward to the new season-here's to an awesome NXD-X/Y format!
Bicycle Away!
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